TRUE NATURE GLITTER red True Nature Glitter is a fine, decorative cosmetic glitter on a natural cellulose base, which was derived from eucalyptus trees. The proportion of biodegradable ingredients is at least 97.5%. In the case of the "silver" color, the proportion of biodegradable ingredients is 99.6%. True Nature Glitter is 100% free of non-biodegradable polymer or plastic content. It can be used equally on the face and body and is particularly suitable for fashion, editorial, beauty, party, festivals and also face & body painting. Due to its natural texture, the glitter should only be exposed to water for a short time. For application or as a base, water-free agents such as Mastix Spirit Gum, Cine-Wax or HD Cream Liner are suitable. Vegan and cruelty-free. Details: 4 g